Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Final Day of Class.

This week was the final week in our sustainability class. We started the fall of last year around September 27, 2010. It was my first year going to university. I loved to take class like this. We have talked about so many different things like Food industry, Global warming, and what was going on in the world.
The first term we have started to talk about trade and how slavery came into the world. I learned that slavery came into the world because of trade. Because of trade, Europeans were able to go into Africa and get people and making them slaves.
We have learned where our meat came from. We have learned every food product we eat has syrup in it. We have watched several movies that have talked about how corn is processed and how they are fed to animals.
We have talked about how human beings killed many animals’ lives because of feeding them the wrong way. We have talked about how animals are force fed in order for them to get bigger and to sell from the people.
The second term we have talked about how global warming impacted the environment. Glaciers have melted because the atmosphere got hot. As we are people, we release lots of carbon to the air which makes the air to become hot. We have read different books that talked about how glaciers melt and what the cause is. We have also learned something about aquifers. Water is becoming scarce because we have used more than we need to use. People take shower every time they feel like taking because they don’t know where the water came from. We read books that talk about dams, aquifers and oceans.
Finally, we have done a group project where each group volunteers to work with environmental organizations. I and 3 other classmates volunteered with Friends of Trees and SOLV. We had fun planting trees and working with nature.
It was one of the best classes I have ever taken because I have learned so many things. My speaking was not good, my writing was not good, and my reading was not great, but now I feel like my speaking looks better because we did a lot of presentation. My writing got improved because we wrote so many different paper/essay like reflection essay, conversation essay, and so on. I am looking forward to have a great summer and come with the same hard work I did in this class. Finally, I am saying good bye to everyone in my class where ever they are. Thanks.

The Final Day of Class.

This week was the final week in our sustainability class. We started the fall of last year around September 27, 2010. It was my first year going to university. I loved to take class like this. We have talked about so many different things like Food industry, Global warming, and what was going on in the world.

The first term we have started to talk about trade and how slavery came into the world. I learned that slavery came into the world because of trade. Because of trade, Europeans were able to go into Africa and get people and making them slaves.
We have learned where our meat came from. We have learned every food product we eat has syrup in it. We have watched several movies that have talked about how corn is processed and how they are fed to animals.

We have talked about how human beings killed many animals’ lives because of feeding them the wrong way. We have talked about how animals are force fed in order for them to get bigger and to sell from the people.

The second term we have talked about how global warming impacted the environment. Glaciers have melted because the atmosphere got hot. As we are people, we release lots of carbon to the air which makes the air to become hot. We have read different books that talked about how glaciers melt and what the cause is. We have also learned something about aquifers. Water is becoming scarce because we have used more than we need to use. People take shower every time they feel like taking because they don’t know where the water came from. We read books that talk about dams, aquifers and oceans.

Finally, we have done a group project where each group volunteers to work with environmental organizations. I and 3 other classmates volunteered with Friends of Trees and SOLV. We had fun planting trees and working with nature.

It was one of the best classes I have ever taken because I have learned so many things. My speaking was not good, my writing was not good, and my reading was not great, but now I feel like my speaking looks better because we did a lot of presentation. My writing got improved because we wrote so many different paper/essay like reflection essay, conversation essay, and so on. I am looking forward to have a great summer and come with the same hard work I did in this class. Finally, I am saying good bye to everyone in my class where ever they are. Thanks.