Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Playing with Nature
Last Saturday I planted many trees in a neighborhood at Lake Oswego.  I and my other classmates were doing a project in our sustainability class. We decided to volunteer with this organization that is called Friends of Trees. This organization has done a lot of things for the community and they help the environment look more than beautiful. They do a lot of things such as planting trees around the Vancouver-Portland Metro area, they host different events, and they do help train people on how to plant trees in a proper way. Also trained crews guide volunteers at weekend events, such as planting trees.
Me and my group decided to volunteer for this organization (Friends of Trees) because we are a part of a sustainability class at Portland State University, and we knew that working with nature is away to help the earth look great. We were full of happiness to work with trainees because it was really very important to learn new things. We planted many different trees that had different names, different size and shape, and different looks. As a group, we started to learn the steps to go or follow when planting a tree. Some trainees were helping us to feel comfortable by showing us the best way to plant a tree. After following what the trainees were doing, we started to plant trees as a group. After planting many trees, we started to feel comfortable planting the rest nice and neat.
Friend of trees is such an incredible organization to work with. They are doing everything for the environment and volunteering with them make things look easier. They have done a lot for the environment. This organization was established somewhere 1989 as one of the trainee crews told me. Since that time they have planted more than 412,000 trees. They also plant around 4,000 trees in Portland every year.
Us a group we feel like we have done a great job doing something for the environment. It was really very amazing to work with such a nice people. I am looking forward to work with more earthy organizations. After I finished planting trees, I decided to do more volunteering with more organizations that are friends with the environment.


  1. After this volunteering,I feel like I am a part of the people who are looking forward of helping the earth to become healthy. I hope the same for everyone because the more committed people we have, the more solutions we will get for the problems the earth is experiencing.

  2. This is such a great project and I am so glad that you and your peers decided to write about the experience in your posts! I have seen Friends of Trees planting trees in my own neighborhood and I can see that being involved in and learning about planting trees within local neighborhoods and communities was a truly transformative experience. Your passion and inspiration really come through in your description of your experience, which was clearly very empowering -great work!
