Sunday, May 1, 2011


I did a project in my sustainability class that involves with sustainability. It was me and my group project that worked on this project together. As a group we were looking forward to do this kind of sustainable project that thoroughly connects with sustainability. This is basically how I liked the project, what I learned, how I worked with a group of commitment people, and how we wrapped everything as a group.
We did this at Mt. Tabor in SE Portland. We were doing this as being volunteers and we actually met many other volunteers who were also doing the same task we were doing the whole hours we were working. SOLV is a big organization that keeps the environment clean and natural. They do this kind of activities where many volunteers like us involve and help parks look clean. One of the ladies that we were interviewing defined themselves (SOLV) as Oregonians volunteering to improve the environment and build a legacy stewardship. This organization does many different activities that many volunteers involve like beach and riverside clean-up, and k-12 education which help students do service projects in their community, but what we were doing or what we have done was different.
We started to separate different weeds and plants from each other. For example our task was to take out some ivy English plants and some weeds from snow berries. The whole point of doing that was that those weeds or the ivy plants will absorb all the nutrients from the soil. They also take the sunshine, water from the rain, and they take everything that helps the snow berries grow better and healthy.
It was a huge place, but we feel like we have done our part which was so simple because there were a lot of volunteers from different places like students from Gresham High School, Comcast, and some people from other organizations.
I feel like I am a part of the citizen world that needs to do some important things for the environment. I feel so happy to work with this organization that is up to this kind of projects that helps our environment look nice. After working with Friends of Trees a week ago and then worked with Solv, I feel like doing this every week or every other week. I will look forward to do this volunteering because I know it helps me and it helps the environment that I live in.
Finally, one of the ladies that we were interviewing told us that some years ago like 10 years ago, Mt. Tabor was a place where all kinds of plants, trees, and weeds grow. It looked green and nice, but some plants started to die which actually caused by lack of air, sunshine, soil nutrients, and oxygen. Then this projects were been started which helped many plants to grow and also the park look green. That was all I did, and what I learned and how happy I am after working with people who have the same ambition and the same goal.

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