Saturday, May 7, 2011

“Blessed Unrest”- IMMUNITY

In this book, Blessed Unrest, the author Hawken starts explaining the difference between movements and ideologies by saying that “movement develops its ideas based on observation while ideologies act on the basis of belief and theory” (Hawken, P.142). Then he goes on and gives an example of a movement saying that Charles Darwin did not try to disprove creationism, but he was a field scientist who tried instead to make sense of the evidence he found on the voyage of HMS Beagle” (Hawken, p.142).
As I was reading this chapter, I found that movements are not totally against everything that happens in this world. For example, in this world, we have globalization that really affects/affected the world in the way of trading. For example, there are many countries in the world that was affected by globalization because companies and corporations trade goods to other countries which really affects the goods of the other country because as long as those companies bring goods, the country’s good’s price will drop down. So movements are not against what those companies are doing as long they are not harming the environment. In Hawken’s book, he says that “movements does not disprove capitalism, globalization, or religious fundamentalism, but tries to make sense of what it discovers in forests, favelas, farms, rivers, and cities”(Hawken, p.142).
Movements really have shaped this world because of the work they have done and how they responded to many natural and man-made disasters such as global warming, earth quakes, and Tsunamis, which severely affects the environment.
I liked this part where he talks about movement as immune system. As we know that the human immune system protects the human body from infection. Movement does the same job the immune system does because movements protect, repair and restore the environment from being damaged. According to Hawken in his book Blessed Unrest, “he says that, just as the immune system recognizes self and non-self, the movement identifies what is humane and inhumane” (p.143).
As I explained what movements do and how they are committed of doing serious things such as protesting against global warming, which is affecting the whole world. If we as a people make those people who are helping the environment as our role models, we can change the perception of those people who think global warming is not that bad. If we work together and believe ourselves, we can make our environment look the way it looked thousands of years ago. My massage to you is that do not pull yourself back to help the future generations to live in a beautiful and sustainable environment.

Hawken, P. (2008). Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World. London, England: Penguin Books.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abdirahman,

    I really do agree with you how movements shape the world. It is really important to see the message that they are passing on. If more people understand the effects on the environment, then we would have a better world. Great job on the post, relating movments to society.
