Saturday, May 14, 2011

Essays Discussion:

This week we discussed about essays we wrote about past social movements. As a class we discussed about past social movements the last weeks or so. As we know that there are times in this world that gay people did not have the right to freedom, women did not have the right to vote, and black people did not have the right to vote and did not have the right to freedom. From time to time, people started to organize organizations and social movements to protest and to gain freedom.
Black people, women and gays gained freedom after talented individuals like Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther king Jr. led others to a new revolution. Those individuals were really great leaders, but others were there to help and make everything easier for their leaders.
My essay was about the apartheid in South Africa and how people in South Africa had been tortured and mass-murdered. In my essay, I have talked about the history that had taken place in South Africa nineteenth century. Black people did not have any rights, they had been killed for no reason, and they could not even do anything until leader Nelson Mandela who led others to a new revolution.
Nelson Mandela who was truly a leader and talented, had started to organize people who could protest and gain there freedom. While he was in jail for around twenty years, his followers finished the job.  They have done an amazing job after such a long time.
The whole class discussed there essays which so amazing and incredible. There were some individuals who wrote there essay as a poem. They also put music on their essay. The whole class was so interested on hearing other people’s essay when the professor said each and everyone in the class will share what they wrote on their essays.
I really liked my essay and other people’s essay. There were really good essays from talented individuals. Though I wrote essay about past social movements, I am looking forward on writing essays about current social movements which I think it is going to be interesting and fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abdirahman,

    I do agree you about how leaders in society helped social movements. You did a great job in describing the role of people in the movements. I also noticed how you gave background infromation about what happened in the past. Nice job in your reflection about class presentations, and your further goals.
