Saturday, May 28, 2011

Looking For a better Energy:

Different parts of the world get their energy from fossil fuels, the sun, solar panels, and e.t.c. Like the United States, their get their energy from the list I made, but they have used too much fossil fuels that ruined the weather. Global warming has been a big factor in the United States.
They have tried different alternative sources of energy such as solar, wind power, geothermal, tides, and hydroelectric power, but there was not that much change. On Thursday, last week in my sustainability class we have discussed about other options that maybe available for the country in order to live in a continent where fossil fuel is no longer the best option to use.
We have learned that the Sahara Desert is a place where energy can be produced. The Sahara Desert holds a lot of solar power. In class, we have discussed that some countries are trying to get their energy from the desert, but it is a gamble because people are thinking those countries are rapping Africa which actually makes sense because European countries have colonized the whole continent of Africa in the 19th Century.
Africa is one of the wealthiest continents in the world because they have a big land, golds and diamonds, their soil is rich of nutrients, and they have big forest like the Congo forest. European countries have raped Africa. In 19th Century, they exported a lot African people and make them slaves, they traded gold with non-valuable things, and they clear cut a lot forests. For example, the Belgians killed thousands of people of innocent in Congo and then slaving them and exporting them to Belgian.
The idea of making the desert into a solar power area will also benefit the African countries. African countries are really very poor and they need money to build roads, railroads, and buildings. This idea is good because Europeans, South America, and North America will benefit from it and Africa will get the money needed to invest on the areas they need to improve like investing money on education, health care, and jobs.
I think, if this idea works, then the world will be save and it is going to be in good hands. Global warming will decline and the use of fossil fuel will drop. Getting energy from the Sahara Desert will put the word in a better shape.

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